There are many benefits of nursing, and expectant mothers should definitely be cautioned about the influence of baby formula advertisements according to many studies. Mothers who were give formula information were five times more likely to stop breastfeeding the first few days after delivery.
This is very sad, as the newborn baby needs to build its immune system. Through mothers colostrums in the first six weeks of life it will enhance greatly.
Besides it creates a deeply emotional relationship between mother and baby.
Nursing allows an emotional development of the baby, produces better psychomotor development, allows better growth and helps faster recovery from illness. Breast milk contains its own antibiotics that will help baby maintain good health.
Through breast milk, baby will diminish the possibilities of infant colic, diabetes, ear infection, allergic illness, diaper rash, and prevent development of germs in the intestines and help against tooth cavity.
Also breastfeeding assists the mother by reducing the risk of ovarian and breast cancer, puerperal bleeding, depression and osteoporosis.
Other benefits include saving money and time and offering a more hygienic way of feeding. The baby will get all the nutrients it needs from the mother.
There is nothing more natural than a mother breastfeeding her child.
Written by Melissa Thelwall Bjargo