At Advanced Chiropractic, we take great pride in providing the finest chiropractic method to our patients. The Gonstead methode represents the ultimate standard in "hands on" spinal adjusting and remains the leader in chiropractic techniques. Dr. Clarence Gonstead (1898-1978) developed and perfected this method of analyzing and correcting the spine. Due to its specificity the Gonstead chiropractor is able to accept the most difficult cases, from severe spinal degeneration to acute disc herniation. Doctor of Chiropractic Aleks Bjargo has had years of training and experience exclusively in the Gonstead System of Chiropractic.
Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead (1898-1978) began practicing chiropractic in 1923 in Mt. Horeb, a small farming community of 1,200 residents in Wisconsin. Dr. Gonstead's reputation spread throughout the US and ultimately around the world, as a multitude of patient's health problems were corrected remarkably fast by his brand of chiropractic treatment. Hundreds of patients were seeking his care on a daily basis, and with his dedication to helping these patients, Dr. Gonstead worked from 8 a.m. to midnight six days a week plus every Sunday morning from 5 to 10 a.m. to be able to accommodate these growing patient numbers.
The Gonstead Clinic of Chiropractic was the largest chiropractic facility in the world. A 22,000 square foot clinic, it had a waiting room to seat over 100 patients, 11 adjusting rooms, x-ray facilities and lab, and a lower level to hold Chiropractic seminars. It was to become the most renowned chiropractic facility in the world. Next to his new clinic, Dr. Gonstead added a 78 room, full-service motel to accommodate the clinic's numerous long distance patients. Dr. Gonstead and his fellow staff members attended 300 to 400 patients on a daily basis. This huge following of patients led Dr. Gonstead to start the Gonstead Seminar of Chiropractic, helping to teach and develop even more Chiropractors in the art and philosophy of the Gonstead system of chiropractic treatment.
During the studies at Palmer College of Chiropractic Dr Aleks Bjargo assisted the technique classes taught by Dr Don Specht and Dr Richard Burns. He was president of the Palmer Gonstead Club where he taught the Gonstead System to fellow students. Dr Aleks has since attended more than 30 seminars with the Gonstead Seminars and has become a good friend of the staff. Every year he travels to Barcelona College of Chiropractic where he teaches the Gonstead System to the students.

Dr Aleks Bjargo and his wife Melissa with the instructors at the Gonstead Seminars.